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Shampoo "Caramel"

Here we study the ingredient list of a "so-called" caramel Shampoo. The brands are deliberately hidden. It is up to each student to study their own ingredient lists and to draw their own conclusions about the quality or suitability of the product used.

Shampoo "Caramel"




Sodium Laureth Sulfate

Surfactant constituting the washing base

The laboratories consider that its handling is delicate and requires the greatest precaution and above all adequate protection.
Its frequent use eliminates the protection of the skin and exposes it to diseases.
Weakens the scalp, promotes the formation of dandruff, causes irritation, itching, tangles the hair, makes it split and can even lead to hair loss.
Endocrine disruptor with potentially serious consequences: premenstrual syndrome and symptoms of menopause, decline in male fertility, female cancers, including breast cancer.

Cocamidopropile betaine

Surfactant derived from coconut oil and dimethylaminopropylamine to soften the washing base based on Lauryl Sulfate

Cocamidopropyl betaine is a synthetic allergenic product that triggers eczema and various dermatitis, mainly in the area of the face, scalp and neck

Cocamide dea (DEA = diethanolamine)


The CSST considers diethanolamine to be carcinogenic to humans
It is an irritant to the skin and eyes, it can cause skin and respiratory sensitization.
Serious eye damage
Toxicity to certain target organs.

Melaleuca alternifolia (Tea tree)


Nothing to report



Nothing to report

Cocamide mea


Nothing to report in the current state of science

Laureth 10

Mild surfactant to soften Laureth Sulfate

No data found for the moment



May have petrochemical origins

PEG 25 hydrogenated castor oil

Agent émulsifiant

Contains carcinogenic residues responsible in particular for breast cancer.


The perfume here is not identified so we can expect all kinds of side effects ranging from irritation to cancer

Sodium chloride


It's table salt !!



Possible neurotoxic effects and neurological disorders by formation of toxic compounds in the body. It is very easily absorbed through the skin especially in its liquid form.
The EU bans a concentration of more than 1% in human cosmetics.

Benzoic acid

Preservative - parabene

Eye irritation
Possible skin irritation
By inhalation:
Sore throat
If swallowed, it can cause abdominal pain, sore throat, nausea, vomiting, gastrointestinal disturbances, and possible anaphylactic shock.
Possibility of causing chronic skin sensitization
Should not be used more than 0.8% according to EU regulations.

Dehydroacetic acid

(Fungicide, bactericide and pH regulator)

It is not allowed in cosmetics at more than 0.6% concentration and cannot be used in sprays.
Irritating to the eyes and possible damage to the cornea, it is absorbed through the skin and is found in the placenta and breast milk.

CI77491 + CI 77499

Red and black colorant

These two dyes are authorized by the EU if they meet certain purity criteria

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